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carbon neutral


Capgemini will become a net zero business by 2030, achieving carbon neutrality no later than 2025.



How COVID-19 has transformed consumers’ attitudes to health and accelerated the future of...

The health fix

The Art of Customer-Centric Artificial Intelligence

Raising the bar on AI in customer experience

The Art of Customer-Centric Artificial Intelligence

How sustainability is fundamentally changing consumer preferences

As the hands of the Doomsday Clock inch towards midnight and consequences of climate change,...

How sustainability is fundamentally changing consumer preferences

The AI-powered enterprise

Unlocking the potential of AI at scale

The AI-powered enterprise

Fast-Forward to the Future

Defining and winning the post-COVID new normal

Fast-Forward to the Future

Upcoming Events

Women in AI Awards 2022

Women in AI Awards, the first awards exclusively created for female entrepreneurs in AI.

Women in AI Awards 2022

Love your Career


Nick Shimmen

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